Friday, June 10, 2011

Website design , then onto some product design for retail. Need to post more on the House Head Studios website. I will get there...someday.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

break out

How do you break free from the traditional life and live a more genuine and true life. I hope I get to answer that someday.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


68 degrees on Christmas day...can't beat that!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Experience Oconomowoc by DOMA

Working on the new DOMA website. Downtown Oconomowoc Merchants Association. It's been a great learning experience and thanks to everyones hard work...we finally have something to show. Please visit Downtown Ocononomowoc's website for more info and to see the work we have put in.

Still a work in progress, but it's getting there.

Monday, November 15, 2010


I often wonder if we also are not supposed to be extinct, but through science and medicine have extended...our stay on the planet. A bit of a sobering thought when you stop to ponder the importance of the new BMW or how my 401K has been depleted. Or you could just have a latte and don't think about it.

I'm not proposing we all go out and become Mother Teresa, I know I do not have the strength nor the internal fortitude to do anything like that, but can I stop before I act. Jeff Goldblum said very eloquently in Jurassic Park..."you spent so much time wondering if you could, you never stopped to think if you should".

I will try to think before I act.

Monday, November 8, 2010

gotta figure this posted at 6:45am thing, I am certainly not up at the crack of dawn posting...must be GOOGLES server or something.
not about the meaning of life, and certainly not as deep but, why is it that giving someone the finger has a side? If I point it back at myself...I am giving myself the finger, but if I point it away...I am giving someone else the finger...